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• User defined entry (default)
• A generic pair of 35° North and South sites
[AAO] Anglo-Australian Observatory
[APO] Apache Point Observatory
[ARIES] Aryabhatta Research Institute of Observational Sciences
[BAO] Beijing XingLong Observatory
[BGSUO] Bowling Green State Univ Observatory
[BMO] Black Moshannon Observatory
[Baker] Baker Observatory
[Bosque] Estacion Astrofisica Bosque Alegre, Cordoba
[Boyden] ]Boyden Observatory
[CA] Calar Alto Observatory
[CFHT] Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope
[CTIO] Cerro Tololo Interamerican Observatory
[Casleo] Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito, San Juan
[Catalina] Catalina Observatory: 61 inch telescope
[DAO] Dominion Astrophysical Observatory
[DOT] Devasthal Optical Telesope & Observatory
[DSAZ] Deutsch-Spanisches Observatorium Calar Alto - Spain
[ESO-3.6] European Southern Observatory, 3.6m Telescope, La Silla
[ESO-VLT] European Southern Observatory, VLT, Paranal
[EUO] Ege University Observatory
[Ekar] Mt. Ekar 182 cm. Telescope
[FLWO] Whipple Observatory
[FMO] Fan Mountain Observatory
[GeminiNorth] Gemini North Observatory
[GeminiSouth] Gemini South Observatory
[HET] McDonald Observatory - Hobby-Eberly Telescope
[HOLI] Observatorium Hoher List (Universitaet Bonn) - Germany
[IAO] Indian Astronomical Observatory, Hanle
[IRTF] NASA Infrared Telescope Facility
[JCDO] Jack C. Davis Observatory, Western Nevada College
[KPNO] Kitt Peak National Observatory
[Keck] W. M. Keck Observatory
[LCO] Las Campanas Observatory
[LMO] Leander McCormick Observatory
[LNA] Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica - Brazil
[LNO] Langkawi National Observatory
[LaPalma] Roque de los Muchachos, La Palma
[LaSilla] European Southern Observatory: La Silla
[Lick] Lick Observatory
[Lowell] Lowell Observatory
[Lulin] Lulin Observatory
[MDM] Michigan-Dartmouth-MIT Observatory
[MGO] Mount Graham Observatory
[MKO] Mauna Kea Observatories, Hawaii
[MMTO] MMT Observatory
[MSO] Mt. Stromlo Observatory
[McDonald] McDonald Observatory
[NOV] National Observatory of Venezuela
[NTT] European Southern Observatory, NTT, La Silla
[OALP] Observatorio Astronomico de La Plata
[OLIN] Connecticut College - Olin Observatory
[ORO] Oak Ridge Observatory
[OSN] Observatorio de Sierra Nevada
[Palomar] The Hale Telescope
[Parnal] European Southern Observatory: Paranal
[ROZHEN] National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen - Bulgaria
[SAAO] South African Astronomical Observatory
[SAORAS] Special Astrophysical Observatory, Russia
[SLN] - Catania Astrophysical Observatory
[SOAR] Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope
[SPM] Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, San Pedro Martir
[SSO] Siding Spring Observatory
[TERSKOL] Terskol mountain observatory, Russia
[TONA] Observatorio Astronomico Nacional, Tonantzintla
[TUG] TUBITAK National Observatory, Turkey
[VBO] Vainu Bappu Observatory
[WHITIN] Whitin Observatory, Wellesley College
[WIYN] WIYN Observatory
• Local Solar Time (default)
• Local computer Timezone
(UTC-11.0) Midway Island
(UTC-11.0) Samoa
(UTC-10.0) Hawaii
(UTC-8.0) Alaska
(UTC-7.0) Pacific Time (US & Canada)
(UTC-7.0) Tijuana
(UTC-7.0) Arizona
(UTC-6.0) Chihuahua
(UTC-6.0) La Paz
(UTC-6.0) Mazatlan
(UTC-6.0) Mountain Time (US & Canada)
(UTC-6.0) Central America
(UTC-5.0) Central Time (US & Canada)
(UTC-5.0) Guadalajara
(UTC-5.0) Mexico City
(UTC-5.0) Monterrey
(UTC-6.0) Saskatchewan
(UTC-5.0) Bogota
(UTC-4.0) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
(UTC-4.0) New York
(UTC-4.0) Indiana (East)
(UTC-5.0) Lima
(UTC-5.0) Quito
(UTC-3.0) Atlantic Time (Canada)
(UTC-4.0) Caracas
(UTC-4.0) La Paz
(UTC-3.0) Santiago
(UTC-2.5) Newfoundland
(UTC-3.0) Brasilia
(UTC-3.0) Buenos Aires
(UTC-3.0) Georgetown
(UTC-2.0) Greenland
(UTC-2.0) Mid-Atlantic
(UTC+0.0) Azores
(UTC-1.0) Cape Verde Is.
(UTC+1.0) Casablanca
(UTC+1.0) Edinburgh
(UTC+0.0) Greenwich Mean Time : Dublin
(UTC+1.0) Lisbon
(UTC+1.0) London
(UTC+0.0) Monrovia
(UTC+0.0) UTC
(UTC+2.0) Amsterdam
(UTC+2.0) Belgrade
(UTC+2.0) Berlin
(UTC+2.0) Bern
(UTC+2.0) Bratislava
(UTC+2.0) Brussels
(UTC+2.0) Budapest
(UTC+2.0) Copenhagen
(UTC+2.0) Ljubljana
(UTC+2.0) Madrid
(UTC+2.0) Paris
(UTC+2.0) Prague
(UTC+2.0) Rome
(UTC+2.0) Sarajevo
(UTC+2.0) Skopje
(UTC+2.0) Stockholm
(UTC+2.0) Vienna
(UTC+2.0) Warsaw
(UTC+1.0) West Central Africa
(UTC+2.0) Zagreb
(UTC+3.0) Athens
(UTC+3.0) Bucharest
(UTC+2.0) Cairo
(UTC+2.0) Harare
(UTC+3.0) Helsinki
(UTC+3.0) Istanbul
(UTC+3.0) Jerusalem
(UTC+3.0) Kyiv
(UTC+2.0) Pretoria
(UTC+3.0) Riga
(UTC+3.0) Sofia
(UTC+3.0) Tallinn
(UTC+3.0) Vilnius
(UTC+3.0) Baghdad
(UTC+3.0) Kuwait
(UTC+3.0) Minsk
(UTC+3.0) Nairobi
(UTC+3.0) Riyadh
(UTC+3.0) Volgograd
(UTC+3.5) Tehran
(UTC+4.0) Abu Dhabi
(UTC+4.0) Baku
(UTC+3.0) Moscow
(UTC+4.0) Muscat
(UTC+3.0) St. Petersburg
(UTC+4.0) Tbilisi
(UTC+4.0) Yerevan
(UTC+4.5) Kabul
(UTC+5.0) Islamabad
(UTC+5.0) Karachi
(UTC+5.0) Tashkent
(UTC+5.5) Chennai
(UTC+5.5) Kolkata
(UTC+5.5) Mumbai
(UTC+5.5) New Delhi
(UTC+5.5) Sri Jayawardenepura
(UTC+5.8) Kathmandu
(UTC+6.0) Almaty
(UTC+6.0) Astana
(UTC+6.0) Dhaka
(UTC+5.0) Ekaterinburg
(UTC+6.5) Rangoon
(UTC+7.0) Bangkok
(UTC+7.0) Hanoi
(UTC+7.0) Jakarta
(UTC+7.0) Novosibirsk
(UTC+8.0) Beijing
(UTC+8.0) Chongqing
(UTC+8.0) Hong Kong
(UTC+7.0) Krasnoyarsk
(UTC+8.0) Kuala Lumpur
(UTC+8.0) Perth
(UTC+8.0) Singapore
(UTC+8.0) Taipei
(UTC+8.0) Ulaan Bataar
(UTC+6.0) Urumqi
(UTC+8.0) Irkutsk
(UTC+9.0) Osaka
(UTC+9.0) Sapporo
(UTC+9.0) Seoul
(UTC+9.0) Tokyo
(UTC+10.5) Adelaide
(UTC+9.5) Darwin
(UTC+10.0) Brisbane
(UTC+11.0) Canberra
(UTC+10.0) Guam
(UTC+11.0) Hobart
(UTC+11.0) Melbourne
(UTC+10.0) Port Moresby
(UTC+11.0) Sydney
(UTC+9.0) Yakutsk
(UTC+10.0) Vladivostok
(UTC+13.0) Auckland
(UTC+12.0) Fiji
(UTC+12.0) International Date Line West
(UTC+12.0) Kamchatka
(UTC+11.0) Magadan
(UTC+12.0) Marshall Is.
(UTC+11.0) New Caledonia
(UTC+11.0) Solomon Is.
(UTC+13.0) Wellington
(UTC+13.0) Nuku'alofa
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Latitude N +ve, Longitude E +ve
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Northern Sites (35° N)
Southern Sites (35° S)